Trying to make this short and make sense, Our work offers an afterhours program (which is voluntary ...
Hello everyone, I live on ~1.3 acres in Kitsap County, WA. I access my house across a public easemen...
My husband and I are purchasing a unique property in NJ and from the beginning the deal seemed too ...
It's rather complicated... aren't they all? So, I've lived in a basement apartment, my landlord live...
About 2 weeks ago I bought an item from Pick n Pull, it was an e-brake assembly for $15. I ended up ...
USA, Missouri. My ex and I broke up last year. He kept our cats for a while until my place was suita...
As the title states, I bought a car. The odometer had been rolled back and the title was fraudulent....
My son is 13 and in the 8th grade. On Monday, two other boys who regularly bully my son and his frie...
I live in a small mixed-use building in Denver, CO. The building consists of one very small commerci...
My brother (25M who I live with) took my car last night when I was out with some friends. I came bac...
I was driving down a through street in my neighborhood (California) about to turn left onto my stree...
Hello, Landlord provided an itemized deduction for the single repair we agreed to on the move out in...
Hello, I participated in a psychology experiment that left me traumatized. The study took place at 9...
I am a sysadmin, and we have two machines that are unaccounted for, and I have no idea how. Yesterda...
I am a Swiss citizen, so is my parent who recently deceased. They left Switzerland a few years ago t...
Fired a handshaken "business owner" and she's coming for me I started a business 2.5 years ago with ...
Hello, I was just let go of my job over the phone. It feels like a set up. I was brought into a grou...
I am having a difficult time getting our dryer vent cleaned. Since this is a huge fire hazard, and i...
I live on a relatively busy college street in Cincinnati, a few doors down from a small convenience ...
Hello, in August of 2022 my girlfriend and I and our roommates had a fire break out in our apartment...
Set up: I work for a tech company in Central America that works with a US parent company. Recently t...