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Husband’s Ex Wife Did Not Refinance Or Sell. It’s Been 9 Years Since Divorce Decree Was Recorded.

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Husband’s ex wife was awarded house in divorce. He felt guilty for leaving since they had a young child so even though he paid for house down payment, all mortgage payments, renovations and bills…he agreed to award her house rather than splitting. That way his child would have place to live. However she was ordered to refinance or sell within two years. She didn’t. Also to note a few years after this divorce decree went into place he modified alimony and his lawyer recommended a quit claim deed, since he would no longer pay the mortgage. That should have been signed after she refinanced but unfortunately it was signed before. Fast forward to after I met him he started getting calls from bank and collectors looking for money. She hadn’t paid her mortgage in 8 months. COVID deferment had run out. Two late payments hit my husband’s credit. She was able to get some government aid that paid all her backed mortgage payments and all her bills but now that has run out. If she works it’s inconsistent and usually she is struggling to find work. Her credit is destroyed and we can see in public records at least 4 credit card companies have sued her for non-payment. We have a court date and a lawyer to address this and get him off mortgage. He’s not concerned with getting money out of house aside from legal fees. Getting nervous as the date approaches. I would like to think this is an easy case since it’s crystal clear in the divorce decree. Anyone have experience enough to know likely outcome? Will she be forced to sell? Will they tack on extra years for her to attempt to qualify to refi?

submitted by /u/Ok-Parsley-9464
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