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Hi all. Here's the skinny. Has anyone ever heard of this happening? Basically I wanted to sue someone because they did something bad to me. I hired a law firm that was in the niche area of practice...
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I got pull over by a state trooper when I was going home from Audi in Morristown, TN. He was pulling over another driver on the right emergency lane and the light was on, I'm a new driver (just got...
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My parents owns property in the state of Florida. They received numerous inquiries on it but not interested in selling. Because my father and I share the same first and last name, I will sometimes ...
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Hello! Hoping to get some guidance on what to do, where to begin, or if it’s even worth pursuing. Some details: we rented a single family home from a private owner on a one year lease term, with t...
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I deliver / pickup tires for retreading and scrapping. Thursday I loaded my box truck full of tires and got splashed (a good amount) in the face with a liquid while stacking them. Low and behold it...
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So long story short I sold 80% of my unregistered coffee business in France/Spain to a guy I met on Reddit. We did a contract where he would handle the roasting and I all the day to day marketing, ...
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So yesterday some thing bad happened to me, so I had this dog he was 7 months old and I live at a place where there’s a lot of wild animals and one of those days a group of dogs attacked my neighbo...
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My wife recently had a surgery. She notified her manager(s) more than a month in advance (January 15th or so, when her surgery was February 26th). A week or two before said surgery, they increased ...
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My husband of 26 years had a heart attack and passed June 2024.He was 52, and we thought great health. He owned 2 successful construction businesses. His brother, whom he was extremely close to, of...
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NV state. Hello all, as mentioned in the title, I have a bit of a backstory to this situation on my account in a different subreddit but I want to ask if I even CAN call CPS. I’m 16 and I want to r...
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I really need advice from a lawyer who is knowledgeable in this area so that we know what to expect. Right now we are preparing for the worst and are not okay. My husband left behind a gun in a re...
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So as the title states my “roommate” if I can even call him that, recently side swiped my gfs car going down the driveway last week. He informed us when it happened but also informed us at the time...
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I live in California. My ex has a car that doesn't run. While we were together, he parked it in my only space (included with my rent). It wouldn't start the next day. He had it towed to a mechanic...
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I live in New Mexico with two other people who signed a one-year lease for a home. One tenant's girlfriend started spending an excessive amount of time at the house. She stays the night every night...
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For clarity, the property is in Washington but the rental agency is in Idaho. The property rental company has done a lot of shady stuff already, including blatantly violating WA heating code (trie...
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Not sure if this is the right place to ask this, or if I'm going to phrase it correctly, so I apologize in advance... So the gist of my situation, my wife checked herself into the hospital last Thu...
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Second week of December our employer switched payroll systems & we were told we didn’t have to do anything, it would be a smooth transition. Flashback 2 weeks ago, a colleague informs me he jus...
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I have a Ram 2500, and I blew the head gasket just before Christmas. In a rush, I found the first shop that was open. They seemed nice enough, and since I was in a hurry, I decided to go with them....
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My Corgi Cody, 5 years old, was taken from my front yard property because some people assumed he was” lost “. They sent him to our local animal shelter but the shelter is not taking dogs in so they...
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My parents live in Henderson, Texas, despite going out of their way to be kind and helpful to their neighbor, she has repeatedly and aggressively harassed them, made them feel unsafe, and successfu...
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I have a question which I am embarrassed to ask my lawyer. My Ltd disability was cut off at the 2 year mark. Agreed I am disabled own occupation but not any occupation. My doctors disagree and I am...