Son Was Touched At After School Program

My son goes to an after school care program hosted by a very large non-profit. It is there at his school, he was in 1st grade at the time and is 7. Two slightly older boys held him down and touched him inappropriately. This lasted for about 5 min before the person in charge noticed, right in the middle of the cafeteria where they play. We were told about the situation but really nothing was done about it until I called the school the next day. Apparently when they saw the video it looked pretty bad. CPS is involved, the sheriff’s office investigated as well.
My son seems to be fine. Taking it well. The sheriff said he watched a lot of video and that it didn’t appear to be sexual in nature and the boys were too young for any kind of charges anyway. However he said he saw a lot of things that made him feel like he would not want his kid in that situation (like the after school care in general). CPS is currently investigating whether the program and the two in charge can be held at fault for negligence.
My question is, what should I do about this and when? I thought at the very least I’m going to ask for a refund, but if they’re found to be at fault should I take it further? I just feel weird, like I’m not sure how far I can or should take this. Any advice would be appreciated.
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