My Wife's Boss Unlocked Her Personal Locker At Work And Went Through Her Belongings

TLDR: I wrote a love letter to my wife as a cute gesture, my wife's boss wanted to know what the letter was about so he broke into her personal locker to read it, and my wife is uncomfortable being around there and doesn't want to work there anymore.
My wife works for a very large retail company. Recently, in addition to her main job, she picked up a second job just to make sure we're good on our bills. She's been under a ton of stress recently, and I wanted to let her know I appreciate her and everything she's doing for us, so I wrote her a cute little love letter. This was last Friday. I dropped off the letter at her job, and she was reading it, and her boss was hounding her with questions "what is it, what does it say". My wife's boss knows that she just picked up another job and is/was concerned that she was going to quit.
Saturday afternoon, my wife went into work, and glanced over at her locked when the lock she put on it was off, and it was wide open completely empty. She hardly even acknowledged this though because she was slammed with work and didn't really pay any mind to it, she just saw it but didn't really realize that her locker was open, just more so saw it but didn't pay any mind to it.
Sunday afternoon, my wife shows up to work, and another one of her bosses walks up to her and goes,
Boss: "Are you doing okay?"
My wife: "Yeah, what do you mean?"
Boss: "The other boss showed me this letter..." and showed my wife my own love letter that I wrote for my wife! The
My wife was pissed, because it was inside of her own locker, that the original boss used a store key to unlock and go through. It would be a completely different matter if my wife left this love letter on top of a desk randomly and my boss happened to walk by and read it, but that's not the case.
We have filed a complaint with HR, and my wife doesn't feel comfortable returning back to work there. Is there anything we can do about this? I'm just kind've shocked because I just found out and I just wanted to learn if there was anything pertaining to this. This happened in Texas by the way in case that matters at all. ( Also I'm sorry if this isn't the right Sub at all to post this to, I just don't know what to do )
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