Twice Now I’ve Had A Traffic Stop Initiated On Me After I Have Gotten Out Of My Vehicle And Am Entering My Home.

The first time I was in my garage with the garage door shutting, and the second time I had gotten out of my vehicle and was entering the garage again. If they want to stop me, why are they waiting until I’ve exited the vehicle? It feels wrong. I basically just want to know if this is actually legal.
To be clear, both times they have followed me to my house and then parked behind me as I got out. Then they waited to light me up until I was in my garage and the garage door was closing(first time) and once I had walk up to the garage door and opened it.
If they intended to stop me, why wait so long to light me up.
Small town cops, fwiw. Texas. That probably explains everything but just wanted some advice from you guys.
Edit to add reasons for the stops- first time, +2 over the limit in a school zone supposedly. Second time, a tail light out.
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