Hi Everyone, I’m curious if we have a leg to stand on, but the gist of the matter is: Roughly 15...
About a week ago my fiance received a phone call from the Sheriff's office informing her she was bei...
My SO is doing a healthcare program through a local college and while at one of the clinical sites o...
Hi all, my (21M) roommate (22M) got a no contact order signed by my commander stating I cannot be wi...
Located in Utah. I (23m) and my ex (21f) share joint legal custody with her getting the final say an...
my employer never enrolled me in benefits. i had been paying for an entire month (to the day) before...
I live in Texas. There’s a car that says MILF mobile that seems to belong to one of my neighbors. ...
I got divorced and the judge said I have to pay half of my ex wife's student loan payments. When she...
My father had a live-in girlfriend. He was diagnosed with cancer Dec 21st, 2023. He went into the ho...
Bf and his ex have split custody of their 14 yo, they switch off every other week per the court. The...
my mother died a couple weeks ago I live in michigan was signing off on my part of the inheritence t...
I 29M received a phone call from my aunt yesterday stating that I had medication delivered to my gra...
Riverside county, California There is someone who is hoarding animals (around 40 dogs and almost 10...
My mother went through a routine colonoscopy a month ago where they used intubation to help her brea...
So my local municipality decided my hedges were suddenly a fire hazard to the neighboring property (...
Rencently my former college (graduated last year) posted a piture of me at their booth for pride in ...
I (27f) am currently 6 and a half months pregnant. I usually work at a middle school with high funct...
Hello! My sister and her ex broke up and he is not being the nicest. He's kept a lot of her belongin...
Hey all, to give a quick background. I (31M) and my ex (30F) were married for 9 years, two children ...
I recently went to a restaurant with a party of 4, food was pretty average, and pretty bad service. ...
I have been emailing back and forth with the point of contact from the trust company. I keep getting...