Psychology Experiment Left Me Feeling Traumatized And Violated

I participated in a psychology experiment that left me traumatized. The study took place at 9:00 AM at the University of [Censored] and was supposed to be about "emotional experiences in daily life." I was told I would be answering questionnaires on emotions/beliefs and self-regulation, discussing emotionally relevant situations, and viewing/responding to emotionally evocative images, followed by a memory test of said images (spoiler, I didn't actually have to memorize the images they just wanted me to look at them closely). Here is the description I received:
"The study will take 1 hour and 15 minutes and is about emotional experiences in daily life. The experiment investigates the effects of recalling personally relevant emotional information on emotionally evocative image memory. While in our laboratory at the University of [Censored], you will be asked to answer brief questionnaires on emotions/beliefs and self-regulation. You will also be asked to answer some questions involving emotionally-relevant situations in your life, potentially with another participant. After answering the questions, you will be asked to view and respond to a series of emotionally evocative images on a computer, and then complete a memory test about the images you viewed. You will receive a $15 Amazon gift card for participating in our study."
However, during the experiment, I was shown extremely graphic and disturbing images, including:
- Gore and mutilation
- Naked and injured individuals (both children and adults)
- Victims of abuse
- Horrifically injured children
- Burn victims
- Torture of animals and people
- Medical gore
- Decaptitated man
- Starving children
- A man assaulting a woman
- Victims of war
I was not adequately informed or prepared for the graphic nature of these images. The consent form mentioned "potentially discomforting or distressing images" but did not specify anything close to the level of horror I was exposed to. The experiment concluded without any form of counseling or debriefing. Instead, I was told, "I could watch funny cat videos if I was upset," which indicates they were aware of the potential trauma their experiment could cause.
Since the experiment, I haven't been able to sleep, eat, or function properly. The images keep replaying in my keep, leaving me deeply disturbed. I reached out to the ethics board with the following email, outlining my experience and concerns:
"To whom it may concern,
I completed a screening measure for a study being conducted at the [Censored] lab at the University of [Censored] today at 9:00am. I was told
"The study will take 1-hour and 15minutes, and is about emotional experiences in daily life. The experiment investigates the effects of recalling personally relevant emotional information on emotionally evocative image memory. While in our laboratory at the University of [Censored], you will be asked to answer brief questionnaires on emotions/beliefs and self-regulation. You will also be asked to answer some questions involving emotionally-relevant situations in your life, potentially with another participant. After answering the questions, you will be asked to view and respond to a series of emotionally evocative images on a computer, and then complete a memory test about the images you viewed. You will receive a $15 Amazon gift card for participating in our study."
I had NO idea I would be shown horrific images of gore, mutilation, naked and injured individuals (both children and adults), victims of abuse, horrifically injured children, burn victims, torture of animals and people, and medical gore. I do not feel that I was adequately informed or that I consented to being shown such images. I don't think any reasonable person would believe that "emotionally evocative imagery" or "potentially discomforting or distressing images" would include images such as the ones I was shown. The experiment finished without any counseling after being shown such sickening images. I was told "I could watch funny cat videos if I was upset" which leads me to believe they were fully aware of how traumatic that experience was. I am left feeling traumatized and really upset. I am writing this email because I believe this experiment should cease immediately until a more comprehensive way to get informed consent is developed, and a MUCH more accurate experimental description is provided to potential participants.
If you have any questions or require clarification of any type, please reach out to me via email."
I believe my informed consent was violated as I was not given a clear understanding of the extent of the images I would be exposed to. Nowhere in the provided information did it mention the potential for trauma.
I am seeking advice on whether there is any legal action I can take against the university or the researchers involved. I feel deeply violated and traumatized by this experience and want to ensure this doesn't happen to anyone else.
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