Evidence Is Suggesting I Am Responsible For Missing Laptops.

I am a sysadmin, and we have two machines that are unaccounted for, and I have no idea how.
Yesterday my manager asked if I could help him find two MacBooks that were recently purchased. Him and I both could not find these devices. The serials do not appear in intune so it seems they were never registered into our microsoft environment. They are not listed in my asset tracking system which I manually update each time I deploy a machine.
At the end of the day today I get pulled into a room with my manager and InfoSec and i was asked to log into apple business manager poral and look at activity. There I see two devices "released" under my account which i have zero idea how. These machines were brand new high spec laptops under warranty. Our policy is to not release any devices unless they are out of warranty and will not return to environment for use or inoperable or they were purchased by the employee at their end-of-life cycle.
There's just no way I would release brand new 4500-dollar MacBooks even by accident. These two devices were enrolled into apple business manager together, later released together, now missing together. Something to me isn't right here.
Investigating and police may get involved soon and I'm not sure what to do except wait and cooperate. Before the end of the day, I checked all documents and chats trying to find evidence or some clue what could have happened to those laptops but there was just nothing found on my laptop. Right now, I was asked to leave my laptop and work phone at work and to wait for further instructions. I'm essentially out of work not collecting hours.
I'm sure there's more information I can share but I'm so overwhelmed by this bizarre situation.
In a situation like this where chargers can potentially be pressed what should I do?
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