Hired Goats To Clear Ivy, They Destroyed ~30 Trees In Our Front Yard.

We moved to a property in the Research Triangle of NC. The property was badly overgrown with English and poison ivy, but full of mature trees and plants that we loved. After considering our options for removing the ivy (e.g., forestry mulcher, chemicals, goats + hand cutting ivy around trees + landscape fabric and mulch) we chose the goats despite the $10k price tag to preserve the mature trees on the property. The company would have the goats come in the clear the ivy and brush, and then employees would cut the ivy back from around the trees, and cover with landscape fabric and mulch. This is an established company that has been around for years. This was the best option for preserving all of the trees, including sub 1-inch saplings. Within minutes of the goats arrival, I noticed the goats munching on the tree bark and stripping it off the trees. I thought it was weird, but given that there were multiple employees and the owner here with them I didn't say anything. I've watched them do this over two days not knowing any better.
After being absent form the job yesterday, the owner showed up today. While talking to her I asked why one tree was wrapped with a tarp yesterday, and she said it was to prevent girdling. I glanced at all the trees they have been munching on since the minute they arrived, and she said, "time for a bit of bad news... The goats have girdled a few of your trees." She said she wasn't sure but things they'll probably need to come down but she might be willing to help replace them. For context, "a few" = about 30 trees total and about 10 that are over 20 feet tall. I sent the pictures to my arborist who confirmed they're all doomed. We weren't even warned this was possible and she had employees here all day while the goats did this. Now she is yammering about some of them being invasive anyway and that she'll replace them, but I just don't even know where to start. My arborist is going to come by later this week, but I just don't even know where to start. Figured I might get some suggestions here.
TL:DR - paid $10k to have goats to clear ivy from yard. They girdled ~30 trees that will all need to be cut down. These trees were a major reason we purchased this property ($1.25M). What do we do?
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