Man In My Neighborhood Road Raged At Me, Followed Me, Multiple Times Sped Up In Front Of Me, Stoped, Got Out And Kept Jesturing Like He Was Pulling A Gun. He Pointed To My House And Said He Will Be Coming Back Later. The Police Officer Told Me I Cannot Fi

I was driving down a through street in my neighborhood (California) about to turn left onto my street when a guy leaving the neighborhood blew through a stop sign in front of me (I had no stop) making me brake hard and I honked. He immediately turned around and started tailing me. So I drove past my house in circles hoping he would get bored and go away.
After passing my house the second time he sped up in front me, stopped and got out of his car stepping into the road. So I couldn't pass. I told him "Learn how to drive, Asshole" and he started threatening me. Pointed to my house, said he knows where I live, then kept reaching into his waistband like he was pulling a gun then quickly pointing at me with an empty hand. When I didn't react he walked to my car and once he was not directly in front of it blocking my path I took off. He followed me and stopped in front me again, once again walking towards my car, reaching in his waistband and quickly pointing at me. I turned around. He left. I have dash cam video and pictures of everything, audio of him threatening me. My neighbor was outside, heard him threaten me and stop me/ walk to my car. Also have video from my neighbors house cams.
I'm worried because I've seen this truck around my neighborhood before so I know this guy lives here and knows where I live, and has threatened me now while acting like he was going to shoot me.
I called the police as this was happening, telling them a roadraging man is pointing a gun at me. they didn't respond until 2 hours later when I called the non emergency number. Relayed the information. Shown the picture and video. They talked to my neighbor and said that I can't press charges because he didn't hurt me or property. I asked the officer what I can do if this guy does come back, he said he would be arrested if he did and not to go outside. I'm worried he will come back and be violent. Police showing up hours later wouldn't help. What can I do to protect myself here? Restraining order possible maybe?
Also at first I thought there was a gun in his hands as he did those gestures. I had my kids in the car. I was panicking. Looking back at the video I can see there was no gun.
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