I live in a city and my garage door faces the alley. The neighbor next to us has a garage that faces...
I have been renting out a unit at a storage facility in NJ since Jan 2024. Have had no issues until ...
Context: I’m from NY and in 2022 the building was purchased new owners tried charging us $3000+ in...
My ex purchased a puppy as a gift for me. He signed the contract with the breeder. We went thru a lo...
To preface this, I am 17 at the moment and he is about to be 23. Our relationship began when I was 1...
I have had ongoing problems with identity theft since 2013. To date my information has been compromi...
I inherited my grandmother's library, which includes a binder with information about a trust that (I...
Throwaway, obviously. I'm in the US. I just got fired for what my company claims is due to "violatin...
I'm being sued civilly by a former employer in a different state. I signed a non-compete for them up...
On mobile, stressed and english is my second language. I am an adult sister od the child in questio...
This week, the HOA which I am trying to get away from (hence the selling of the condo) trespassed on...
This evening around 11:30pm EST, my friend was at work and stayed late to help out a coworker with a...
I have a friend who is a bi man recently divorced ex-wife 15 years. He is still in the closet and sh...
Hello everyone i am 29(M) my fiance 25(F) have 2 kids together a 6 year old girl and a 3 year old bo...
This is in Mississippi. This is a throwaway account for privacy reasons. I will try my best to keep ...
My dad got cancer a little over 2 years ago. He’s been collecting SSA checks for at about 1 year. ...
Okay, so this was a bit of a unique situation, but my brother and I lived in my grandmother's house ...
Hi. I'm not 100% sure what to do. For reference, I'm in the Kansas City Missouri area. I recently go...
I’m a nurse, and every year per hospital policy we get a tb test (blood or skin) to see if we have...
I (19F) was a barista at a boba shop for almost a year. My starting pay was $12/hr with no tips but ...
Hello folks. As with I assume a lot of posts here I am not sure I am in the right place, but I wasn'...