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Car I Sold Got Towed Now They’re Asking Me For Money

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So I sold a car about 2 years ago and now I’m getting mail from a tow company that I owe 1200$ and this will continue going up until may 2nd then they will auction it. 2 years ago I handed over the title of a car I no longer needed to a friend of mine so he could sell it to his employee at the time cause they needed a way to and from work. It really seemed chill and I trusted my friend to handle the sale as he was much more familiar with that world. He sells the car, I get the money, I never talk about it again. Fast forward two years later I get mail asking me for money from the tow company which I think nothing of cause it’s not my car. My friend suggests I ignore it. It’s been stressing me out so I can’t ignore it I decide to call the tow people and explain, spoiler alert they didn’t give a shit about my story. Also neither my friend or I reported the sale online to the state (which is dumb I know). But I did end up doing that a couple days ago (better late than never). Also I should add that the kid he sold it to is a complete idiot apparently and got fired so they never really spoke again. We’ve finally got a hold of him about this situation and he never registered the car and has been driving it illegally basically this entire time. He’s also saying “I can’t afford to get it out I don’t know what to do I’m going through shit” blah blah. He’s no help. He also said all the paperwork (title, bill of sale, release of interest) is all in the glove box of the car. This inspires me go get a key made for the old car and drive up to the tow place to get the paperwork so I did. Thankfully it was all there and it’s all filled out and dated properly so now i have all the proof. I presented the paperwork to the tow place and they couldn’t care less. Says it’s still on me. I left without paying anything because it just didn’t feel right. Now I’m here. Any advice ? Some things to consider. This is all in WA state. The bar is a 1993 blue Volvo 940 wagon.

I’ve also never posted on Reddit before so hopefully this is done right. Someone help me out ! Thank you.

submitted by /u/Peasantboyj
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