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Abusive Mother - Violent Attack But Only A Small Cut. Abusive And Emotionally Manipulative And Physical Threats

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Tldr: I was assaulted but it was only a minor injury (small scratch with little blood) and have voice recordings of threatening further violence and other abusive and controlling and manipulative behaviour.

7 months ago I graduated from university and moved back in with my mother as I stabilise my income and find financial independence.

Around a month ago, she asked me for a coat hanger for my jumper. I said I will be around 15 minutes as I’m working but then I’ll get it. She demanded that I had to get her one now from my wardrobe (which she could access) and I said okay let me just finish up saving my code I’ll be 30 seconds, which made her even more mad. She lashed out at me, unplugging my laptop charger, then slamming my laptop down on my fingers and hit my head, and my headphones flew off.

I resulted in a cut on my wrist, which was small but was a bleeding, open wound nonetheless.

She somehow blamed me for making her angry by not doing as I say.

Ever since she has been incredibly manipulative and abusive. Forcing I go to bed at certain times, switching off my light if I’m up working late, and threatening to do it again.

I have voicenotes of her being like this, as well as immediately after the incident of her apologising but saying how it was my fault, if I had just done what she said. And her saying how if I don’t vacuum she will call the police and get them to throw me out and make me homeless, it’s all on record as I would use Voicenotes whenever her rages started so it’s pretty good evidence.

I’m still living here, and I suspect she has recently stolen my $1100 gold chain. She has a history in the family of stealing my dads marine beret (now divorced) and my sisters childhood sentimental items such as this small brass pig that my dad gave her when they divorced, my mother claimed to “not know where it was” and then my sister found it 2-3 years later hidden in my mums bedroom draw. My sister has since completely cut off my mother from the family, she had to move house and block her on everything.

Additionally, my mother works in a school with the ages of 4-7. I just hate the idea of someone this abusive is being allowed to teach future generations.

I told my cousin and my dad. She also openly admitted to lashing out at me to my dad after she arranged to meet to discuss things, which just fueled her arguments and abuse even more.

What can I do legally?

submitted by /u/Apprehensive_Ring666
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