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My Brother’s Ex Wife Is Traumatizing Her Kids

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I am writing this because we don’t know how to stop her. My brother got a divorce 4 years ago and this woman has made his life a living hell. They have two kids together so he has to have contact with her.

I want to make clear that I am not the type to turn a blind eye only because they are family. Ever since they got a divorce my brother hasnt been able to have peace or move on with his life. Name calling and threats is her constant way of talking to him

Now the harassment has escalated lately and she has called the cops on my brother multiple times. When my brother has to pick up the kids from her place she will have the cops waiting for him, she also has sent the cops to his place when he had the kids and he nor the kids didnt picked up the phone at 11:00pm. The kids were sleeping and my brother was taking a shower. Another time she called the cops after my brother picker up the kids and sent them to his place accusing that he was drunk driving. These are just a few of the times she has called the cops on him. He hasnt been arrested at all.

Today, the cops showed up at MY place. My brother asked me to take the kids for the day because he wanted to deep clean his house. I am a 44 yr old woman mother of 2. The cops showed up because according to her, her kids were endangered. Clearly the cops saw my niece and nephew were safe. They love coming over.

So please, if anyone has any advice on what to do it will be appreciated. I will aso like to state that she is fighting for full custody. It has been really painful to watch my brother cry for his kids and at times he feels like giving up. He also does not have the enough money to pay for lawyers.

submitted by /u/Crafty_Chemist_8707
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