My employer stopped paying me but didn’t lay me off or fire me. I kept working for weeks until it ...
Company forced me out of the company essentially. No performance issues or PIPs or attendance issues...
Hello, Quick question as I’m having a hard time finding a straight answer. I’m in Texas and got ...
Divorce law but I’d say more applicable to real estate. Quick facts: -parents divorced in 2008 -di...
My sister just called me and told me that she was checking on her Equifax account and was having tro...
GA, USA. Bought a certified preowned car from an authorized dealership a week ago and I just realize...
A couple of weeks ago, I shared with my manager that I was going through a mental health crisis ( ma...
My stepfather bought his house around 22 years ago. We live in a rural part of Ohio and there was no...
A week before I was hired, I was diagnosed with a rare brain condition. 3 months into my new job, I ...
Okay this is going to be a bit all over the place I’m going to try to keep it as simple and unders...
I’m in upstate New York and need some advice: I got a letter saying the police impound has a car t...
over the weekend, my friend was scammed. a man used the story of coming in from out of town and not ...
My subdivision currently has a mess on its hands. What originally was to be a 250 household subdivis...
Thanks in advance for any opinions and advice. My son has been separated from his wife since 2017. T...
I (currently a minor, M) was gifted a gaming console a few years ago for Christmas by my legal guard...
I work as a custodian for a university, it’s a state Job. If it matters I work full time and am a ...
Hello all, before revealing my identity to a potential child that I may have, as it was matched thro...
In Tennessee I have a court date set for this Friday for a lawsuit brought on by Harpeth financial s...
This is in Missouri. My brother died in December. At the time he had a friend who occasionally staye...
im 19 years old and planned on going to a concert with an internet friend who i have met before and ...
Hey all, looking for some advice on this situation. My husband and I bought a pre-owned trade in veh...