Public interest in health has soared since the pandemic. The Global Wellness Institute reports that the wellness economy worldwide exceeded $6 trillion in 2023 and is projected to reach $9 trillion...
I have a questions???? I practice anapanasati meditation and generally I'm interested in theravada buddhism. In my home town there is no any theravada meditation group but it would be nice...
Vajrapani Vajra Armor Video Thumbnail. Video plays below.
Why is the great Vajra Armor Mantra, the Kavica or armor of Padmasambhava, famous for helping remedy 404 types of diseases? In what way ca...
"Buddha spoke to Venerable Ananda. “It may be, Ananda, that some of you will say, ‘without the Buddha, the Sublime Teacher, there is no teacher for us’. No, Ananda, you should not think in this w...
If there's even a little of one, you have all of them. But our individual configurations are wildly different. I am interested in knowing if anyone of you measure your progress thought the presenc...
Hey guys I have been less and less attached to my body, and it can be a scary process, I should also say I deal with gender dysphoria, not crippling but I have noticed it and and there was an uncon...
My son came home from the hospital with me and i have raised him since myself basically. His Mom would like the welfare he brings, she would like the section 8 assistance it provides, she would eve...
Hi guys, The western materialistic view of death is basically eternal oblivion / nothingness forever. To me eternal oblivion sounds very scary - but in a way it may not be a bad thing as there is...
Thus I heard. At one time the Blessed One was living at Sāvatthi in Jeta's Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika's Park. Then the venerable Ānanda went to the Blessed One, and after paying homage to him, he sat do...
In the Chaḷabhijātisutta the Buddha declares the six classes by birth and explains them as following: (1) Now here, Ānanda, there is a certain person, existing in a dark class by birth, reborn into...
It is important to understand that when we refer to the Maha Sangha, we are not only talking about bhikkhus (monks) and bhikkhunis (nuns). The term also includes upasakas (lay males) and upasikas...
Mission Statement: Alms Round is dedicated to providing financial assistance to individuals and families who are experiencing financial hardship, with a focus on helping those who are working to im...
I'm experiencing the physical results of past drug/alcohol use and remorse from how I was mean to my ex-girlfriend. Is there anything about accepting this kamma that would help me out here? I try t...
The Dhamma must be spread and not kept to oneself. Lord Buddha was a missionary and he commissioned his disciples to spread the Dhamma. See The Buddha’s first Vassa: Sending out Sixty Arahats. Wh...
Bhikkhus, there are these four verifiables. What four? (1) There are ideas verifiable by the eye and by understanding (2) There are ideas verifiable by mindfulness and by understanding (3) There ...
Don’t run back to the past, don’t anticipate the future. What’s past is left behind, the future has not arrived; and any present phenomenon you clearly discern in every case. The unfaltering, the ...
I'm a somewhat recently divorced middle aged American. I used to meditate daily. My former wife was not really a meditator, so for the ten years I was married to her, my practice was pretty weak ( ...
1. “Bhikkhus, these four things are such (real), not unsuch (unreal), not otherwise. What four? Bhikkhus, ‘This is suffering' is a thing that is such, not unsuch, not otherwise. ‘This is the origi...
For anyone interested in participating in a meditation retreat with forest monks, there is the Bhavana Society which organizes a retreat. It is a Theravada monastery. Go to the monastery website ...
I have some questions about relationships- friendships and romantic. Firstly I will ask questions about friendships. Give me a Buddhist definition of friendship for men. What do friendships betwee...
Hey everyone! I'd like to give a book to a friend to read on Theravada, but it's going to have to be in Mandarin. I want something that accurately represents the Theravada tradition, rather than a ...