Gouranga Mantra Meditation Meetigs

I have a questions???? I practice anapanasati meditation and
generally I'm interested in theravada buddhism. In my home town there is
no any theravada meditation group but it would be nice to practice some
group meditiation. Yesterday
I participated in new meditiation
meeting at local library, but it's not a buddhism group. It has some
yogic vibe. They practice mantra meditation and kirtan(singing together
with guitar accompaniament). They use phrases from this leaflet on
photo. They are planning to organize such meetings every week. I think
people there are nice, but it's nothing about buddhism.
My questions is: Is it good to have my own everyday buddhism practice at home and join this group once a week to spend some time with people interested in spiritual growth or it's better bot going there anymore? Thank you on advance for your answers ????