Saccakathā: Treatise On Actualities From Paṭisambhidāmagga | The Four Noble Truths Are Described As Actualities With The Characteristics Of Being Such, Not Un-such And Not Otherwise. These Four Actualities Have A Single Penetration With A Range Of Charact

1. “Bhikkhus, these four things are such (real), not unsuch (unreal), not otherwise. What four?
Bhikkhus, ‘This is suffering' is a thing that is such, not unsuch, not otherwise.
‘This is the origin of suffering' is a thing that is such, not unsuch, not otherwise.
‘This is the cessation of suffering' is a thing that is such, not unsuch, not otherwise.
‘This is the way leading to the cessation of suffering' is a thing that is such, not unsuch, not otherwise.
These four things are such, not unsuch, not otherwise”.
2. How is suffering an actuality in the sense of suchness (reality)?
Suffering has four meanings of suffering, which are such, not unsuch, not otherwise: Suffering has the
- meaning of oppression
- meaning of being formed
- meaning of burning up (torment)
- meaning of change
Suffering has these four meanings of suffering, which are such, not unsuch, not otherwise. That is how suffering is an actuality in the sense of suchness.
3. How is origin an actuality in the sense of suchness?
Origin has four meanings of origin, which are such, not unsuch, not otherwise: Origin has the
- meaning of accumulation
- meaning of source
- meaning of bondage
- meaning of impediment
Origin has these four meanings of origin, which are such, not unsuch, not otherwise. That is how origin is an actuality in the sense of suchness.
4. How is cessation an actuality in the sense of suchness?
Cessation has four meanings of cessation, which are such, not unsuch, not otherwise: Cessation has the
- meaning of escape
- meaning of seclusion
- meaning of being unformed
- meaning of deathlessness
Cessation has these four meanings of cessation, which are such, not unsuch, not otherwise. That is how cessation is an actuality in the sense of suchness.
5. How is the path an actuality in the sense of suchness?
The path has four meanings of path, which are such, not unsuch, not otherwise: The path has the
- meaning of outlet
- meaning of cause
- meaning of seeing
- meaning of dominance
The path has these four meanings of path, which are such, not unsuch, not otherwise. That is how the path is an actuality in the sense of suchness.
6. In how many aspects do the four actualities have a single penetration?
The four actualities have a single penetration in four aspects:
- in the sense of suchness (reality)
- in the sense of not self
- in the sense of actuality
- in the sense of penetration
The four actualities in these four aspects are included as one. What is included as one is unity. Unity is penetrated by a single knowledge. Thus the four actualities have a single penetration.
7. How is there a single penetration of the four actualities in the sense of suchness (reality)?
The four actualities have a single penetration in the sense of suchness in four aspects:
- Suffering has the meaning of suffering as its meaning of suchness
- origin has the meaning of origin as its meaning of suchness
- cessation has the meaning of cessation as its meaning of suchness
- the path has the meaning of path as its meaning of suchness
The four actualities in these four aspects are included as one. What is included as one is unity. Unity is penetrated by a single knowledge. Thus the four actualities have a single penetration.
8. How is there a single penetration of the four actualities in the sense of not self?
The four actualities have a single penetration in the sense of not self in four aspects:
- Suffering has the meaning of suffering as its meaning of not self
- origin has the meaning of origin as its meaning of not self
- cessation has the meaning of cessation as its meaning of not self
- the path has the meaning of path as its meaning of not self
The four actualities in these four aspects are included as one. What is included as one is unity. Unity is penetrated by a single knowledge. Thus the four actualities have a single penetration.
9. How is there a single penetration of the four actualities in the sense of actuality?
The four actualities have a single penetration in the sense of actuality in four aspects:
- Suffering has the meaning of suffering as its meaning of actuality
- origin has the meaning of origin as its meaning of actuality
- cessation has the meaning of cessation as its meaning of actuality
- the path has the meaning of path as its meaning of actuality
The four actualities in these four aspects are included as one. What is included as one is unity. Unity is penetrated by a single knowledge. Thus the four actualities have a single penetration.
10. How is there a single penetration of the four actualities in the sense of penetration?
The four actualities have a single penetration in the sense of penetration in four aspects:
- Suffering has the meaning of suffering as its meaning of penetration
- origin has the meaning of origin as its meaning of penetration
- cessation has the meaning of cessation as its meaning of penetration
- the path has the meaning of path as its meaning of penetration
The four actualities in these four aspects are included as one. What is included as one is unity. Unity is penetrated by a single knowledge. Thus the four actualities have a single penetration.
11. How is there a single penetration of the four actualities?
- What is impermanent is painful;
- what is impermanent and painful is not self;
- what is impermanent and painful and not self is such (real);
- what is impermanent and painful and not self and such (real) is actuality;
- what is impermanent and painful and not self and such (real) and actuality is included as one.
What is included as one is unity. Unity is penetrated by a single knowledge. Thus the four actualities have a single penetration.
12. In how many aspects is there single penetration of the four actualities?
There is single penetration of the four actualities in nine aspects:
- in the sense of suchness (reality)
- in the sense of not self
- in the sense of actuality
- in the sense of penetration
- in the sense of direct knowledge
- in the sense of full understanding
- in the sense of abandoning
- in the sense of development
- in the sense of realization
The four actualities in these nine aspects are included as one. What is included as one is unity. Unity is penetrated by a single knowledge. Thus the four actualities have a single penetration.
13. How is there single penetration of the four actualities in the sense of suchness (reality)?
There is single penetration of the four actualities in the sense of suchness in nine aspects:
- Suffering has the meaning of suffering as its meaning of suchness
- origin has the meaning of origin as its meaning of suchness
- cessation has the meaning of cessation as its meaning of suchness
- the path has the meaning of path as its meaning of suchness
- direct knowledge has the meaning of direct knowledge as its meaning of suchness
- full understanding has the meaning of full understanding as its meaning of suchness
- abandoning has the meaning of abandoning as its meaning of suchness
- development has the meaning of development as its meaning of suchness
- realization has the meaning of realization as its meaning of suchness
The four actualities in these nine aspects are included as one. What is included as one is unity. Unity is penetrated by a single knowledge. Thus the four actualities have a single penetration.
14. How is there single penetration of the four actualities in the sense of not self?
There is … [as in § 13]
15. How is there single penetration of the four actualities in the sense of actuality?
There is … [as in § 13]
16. How is there single penetration of the four actualities in the sense of penetration?
There is … [as in § 13]
17. In how many aspects is there single penetration of the four actualities?
There is single penetration of the four actualities in twelve aspects:
- in the sense of suchness
- in the sense of not self
- in the sense of actuality
- in the sense of penetration
- in the sense of directly knowing
- in the sense of fully understanding
- in the sense of idea
- in the sense of principle
- in the sense of what-is-known
- in the sense of realization
- in the sense of sounding
- in the sense of convergence
The four actualities in these twelve aspects are included as one. What is included as one is unity. Unity is penetrated by a single knowledge. Thus the four actualities have a single penetration.
18. How is there single penetration of the four actualities in the sense of suchness (trueness)?
There is single penetration of the four actualities in the sense of suchness in sixteen aspects:
- suffering has the meaning of oppressing, meaning of being formed, meaning of burning up (torment), meaning of change, as its meaning of suchness;
- origin has the meaning of accumulation, meaning of source, meaning of bondage, meaning of impediment, as its meaning of suchness;
- cessation has the meaning of escape, meaning of seclusion, meaning of being not formed, meaning of deathlessness, as its meaning of suchness;
- the path has the meaning of outlet, meaning of cause, meaning of seeing, meaning of dominance, as its meaning of suchness.
The four actualities in these sixteen aspects are included as one. What is included as one is unity. Unity is penetrated by a single knowledge. Thus the four actualities have a single penetration.
19. How is there single penetration of the four actualities in the sense of not self?
There is …
20. … in the sense of actuality …
21. … in the sense of penetration …
22. … in the sense of directly knowing …
23. … in the sense of fully understanding …
24. … in the sense of idea …
25. … in the sense of principle …
26. … in the sense of what-is-known …
27. … in the sense of realization …
28. … in the sense of sounding …
29. … in the sense of convergence …
30. How many characteristics have the actualities?
The actualities have two characteristics:
- the characteristic of the formed
- the characteristic of the unformed
The actualities have these two characteristics.
31. How many characteristics have the actualities?
The actualities have six characteristics:
- Of the formed actualities their arising is made known, their fall is made known, and their alteration when present is made known;
- of the unformed actuality no arising is made known, no fall is made known, and no alteration when present is made known.
The actualities have these six characteristics.
32. How many characteristics have the actualities?
The actualities have twelve characteristics:
- Of the actuality of suffering its arising is made known, its fall is made known, and its alteration when present is made known;
- of the actuality of origin its arising is made known, its fall is made known, and its alteration when present is made known;
- of the actuality of the path its arising is made known, its fall is made known, and its alteration when present is made known;
- of the actuality of cessation no arising is made known, no fall is made known, and no alteration when present is made known.
The actualities have these twelve characteristics.
33. Of the four actualities how many are profitable, how many are unprofitable, and how many are indeterminate?
- The actuality of origin is unprofitable,
- the actuality of the path is profitable,
- the actuality of cessation is indeterminate,
- and the actuality of suffering may be profitable or unprofitable or indeterminate.
34. May be: how may be?
Since the actuality of suffering is unprofitable and the actuality of origin is unprofitable, thus in the sense of unprofitable, two actualities are included by one actuality and one actuality is included by two actualities.
Since the actuality of suffering is profitable and the actuality of the path is profitable, thus in the sense of profitable two actualities are included by one actuality and one actuality is included by two actualities.
Since the actuality of suffering is indeterminate and the actuality of cessation is indeterminate, thus in the sense of indeterminate two actualities are included by one actuality and one actuality is included by two actualities.
Thus three actualities may be included by one actuality and one actuality may be included by three actualities, figuratively according to the instance [given].
35. “Bhikkhus, before my enlightenment, while I was still only an unenlightened Bodhisatta,
I thought ‘In the case of materiality what is the attraction, what is the danger, what is the escape?
In the case of feeling what is the attraction, what is the danger, what is the escape?
In the case of perception, what is the attraction, what is the danger, what is the escape?
In the case of formations what is the attraction, what is the danger, what is the escape?
In the case of consciousness what is the attraction, what is the danger, what is the escape'?
“I thought ‘In the case of materiality it is the pleasure and joy that arise dependent on materiality that are the attraction; that materiality is impermanent, painful and subject to change is the danger; the removal of zeal and greed, the abandoning of zeal and greed, for materiality is the escape.
In the case of feeling … In the case of perception … In the case of formations … In the case of consciousness it is the pleasure and joy that arise … the abandoning of zeal and greed, for consciousness is the escape’.
“So long as in the case of these five aggregates [as objects] of clinging I did not directly know the attraction as attraction and the danger as danger and the escape as escape correctly, so long did I not declare to have discovered the supreme full-enlightenment in the world with its deities, its Māras and its Brahmā Gods, in this generation with its ascetics and brahmans, its princes and men.
But as soon as in the case of these five aggregates [as objects] of clinging I did directly know the attraction as attraction and the danger as danger and the escape as escape correctly, then I declared to have discovered the supreme full-enlightenment in the world with its deities, its Māras and its Brahmā Gods, in this generation with its ascetics and brahmans, its princes and men.
And the knowledge and the seeing was in me: ‘My will's deliverance is unassailable, this is the last birth, there is no renewal of being now’”.
36. The penetration by abandoning
The penetration by abandoning thus “In the case of materiality it is the pleasure and joy that arise dependent on materiality that are the attraction” is [knowledge of] the actuality of origin.
The penetration by full understanding thus “In the case of materiality that materiality is impermanent, painful and subject to change is the danger” is [knowledge of] the actuality of suffering.
The penetration by realization thus “In the case of materiality the removal of zeal and greed, the abandoning of zeal and greed, for materiality is the escape” is [knowledge of] the actuality of cessation.
The penetration by development consisting in the view, thought, speaking, acting, living, effort, mindfulness, and concentration, in these three instances [of origin, suffering and cessation] is [knowledge of] the actuality of the path.
The penetration by abandoning thus “In the case of feeling …
… “In the case of perception …
… “In the case of formations …
… “In the case of consciousness … ”
37. Actuality: actuality in how many aspects?
Actuality in three aspects:
- in the sense of search
- in the sense of embracing
- in the sense of penetration
38. What is actuality in the sense of search? [etc.]
“Ageing-and-death has what for its source, has what for its origin, is born from what, is produced by what?”: this is actuality in the sense of search.
“Ageing-and-death has birth for its source, has birth for its origin, is born from birth, is produced by birth”: this is actuality in the sense of embracing.
He understands ageing-and-death and its origin and its cessation and the way leading to its cessation: this is actuality in the sense of penetration.
“Birth has what for its source, … is produced by what?”: this is actuality in the sense of search. “Birth has being for its source, … is produced by being”: this is actuality in the sense of embracing. He understands birth and its origin and its cessation and the way leading to its cessation: this is actuality in the sense of penetration.
“Being has what for its source, … is produced by what?”: this is actuality in the sense of search. “Being has clinging for its source, … is produced by clinging”: this is actuality in the sense of embracing. He understands being and its origin and its cessation and the way leading to its cessation: this is actuality in the sense of penetration.
“Clinging has what for its source, … is produced by what?”: this is actuality in the sense of search. “Clinging has craving for its source, … is produced by craving”: this is actuality in the sense of embracing. He understands clinging and its origin and its cessation and the way leading to its cessation: this is actuality in the sense of penetration.
“Craving has what for its source, … is produced by what?”: this is actuality in the sense of search. “Craving has feeling for its source, … is produced by feeling”: this is actuality in the sense of embracing. He understands craving and its origin and its cessation and the way leading to its cessation: this is actuality in the sense of penetration.
“Feeling has what for its source, … is produced by what?”: this is actuality in the sense of search. “Feeling has contact for its source, … is produced by contact”: this is actuality in the sense of embracing. He understands feeling and its origin and its cessation and the way leading to its cessation: this is actuality in the sense of penetration.
“Contact has what for its source, … is produced by what?”: this is actuality in the sense of search. “Contact has the sixfold base for its source, … is produced by the sixfold base”: this is actuality in the sense of embracing. He understands contact and its origin and its cessation and the way leading to its cessation: this is actuality in the sense of penetration.
“The sixfold base has what for its source, … is produced by what?”: this is actuality in the sense of search. “The sixfold base has mentality-materiality for its source, … is produced by mentality-materiality”: this is actuality in the sense of embracing. He understands the sixfold base and its origin and its cessation and the way leading to its cessation: this is actuality in the sense of penetration.
“Mentality-materiality has what for its source, … is produced by what?”: this is actuality in the sense of search. “Mentality-materiality has consciousness for its source, … is produced by consciousness”: this is actuality in the sense of embracing. He understands mentality-materiality and its origin and its cessation and the way leading to its cessation: this is actuality in the sense of penetration.
“Consciousness has what for its source, … is produced by what?”: this is actuality in the sense of search. “Consciousness has formations for its source, … is produced by formations”: this is actuality in the sense of embracing. He understands consciousness and its origin and its cessation and the way leading to its cessation: this is actuality in the sense of penetration.
“Formations have what as their source, … are produced by what?”: this is actuality in the sense of search. “Formations have ignorance for their source, … are produced by ignorance”: this is actuality in the sense of embracing. He understands formations and their origin and their cessation and the way leading to their cessation: this is actuality in the sense of penetration.
39. Ageing-and-death is the actuality of suffering, birth is the actuality of origin, the escape from both is the actuality of cessation, the act of understanding cessation is the actuality of the path.
Birth is the actuality of suffering, being is the actuality of origin, the escape from both is the actuality of cessation, the act of understanding cessation is the actuality of the path.
Being is the actuality of suffering, clinging is the actuality of origin, the escape from both …
Clinging is the actuality of suffering, craving is the actuality of origin, …
Craving is the actuality of suffering, feeling is the actuality of origin, …
Feeling is the actuality of suffering, contact is the actuality of origin, …
Contact is the actuality of suffering, the sixfold base is the actuality of origin, …
The sixfold base is the actuality of suffering, mentality-materiality is the actuality of origin, …
Mentality-materiality is the actuality of suffering, consciousness is the actuality of origin …
Consciousness is the actuality of suffering, formations are the actuality of origin, …
Formations are the actuality of suffering, ignorance is the actuality of origin, the escape from both is the actuality of cessation, the act of understanding cessation is the actuality of the path.
40. Ageing-and-death is the actuality of suffering, birth may be the actuality of suffering or may be the actuality of origin, the escape from both is the actuality of cessation, the act of understanding cessation is the actuality of the path.
Birth is the actuality of suffering, being may be the actuality of suffering or may be the actuality of origin, the escape from both is the actuality of cessation, the act of understanding cessation is the actuality of the path …
Formations are the actuality of suffering, ignorance may be the actuality of suffering or may be the actuality of origin, the escape from both is the actuality of cessation, the act of understanding cessation is the actuality of the path …
Source: Saccakathā: Treatise on Actualities from Paṭisambhidāmagga
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