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Is There Any Tradition Art Verified As Intended To Be A Paccekabuddha?

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Is there any tradition art verified as intended to be a paccekabuddha?

I'm deeply sucpicious of the statues I've seen identified as a paccekabuddha often because they are emaciated as a extreme ascetic... and that is a slight misreading of their lifestyle.

And none have the 2 " haircut and 2 " inch beard.

Paccekabuddhas have (their) hair and beards two aṅgula long and are provided with the eight requisites. (parikkhara)'.

aṅgula - 'a finger; the thumb; a finger's breadth or alternitively the basic length measure (angulam) of this period was 1.763 cm. 1.763 centimeters = 0.694 inch.

... a smidgen over 2/3rds of an inch. ; ) Hod the presses! That's really 1 & a 3rd inch.

"Pah-chey-kah-boo-dah" I'm guessing the pronounciation.

submitted by /u/l_rivers
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