Hi all. I am in California. My ex moved out over 6 months ago. He was never on my lease, nor did he stay full time. When he did, I kept asking to get my spare key back and he refused, saying id g...
My dad recently passed and his siblings inherited a bunch of land and money from their dad. So they (his three siblings) put it all into an LLC which valued it all at ten million. They then distr...
Edit. Got tired of responding. Thank you all. submitted by /u/ElkTheGreatv2 [link] [comments]
My husband moved out after confessing to having cheated for the third time. He got himself a new apartment and everything. My name is not on the home loan as I was too young (didn't have enough wor...
My mom broke up with her boyfriend and he bought tools for her home that he used while he was living with her. She did not ask him to buy them, he did it on his own. Now that he's leaving he wants ...
Hello, I am a 23/F around the age of 14 I got into an accident involving some private injury’s that left me bleeding out and almost dead. I won’t go super into detail of what happened but it was ve...
I‘m a minor, a boy in my school had tried to coerce and convince me to let him penetrate me with his fingers, initially i said no but he’d beg and then he would never give it up so I said ok, this ...
Im only 16 an she 25 but she claim she wanna keep the baby all to herself when theyre born. She claim im not good enough and that Im gonna be a bad influence and the kid gonna turn up like me. I tr...
[WA State] my husband's wages are being garnished for debts that are close to, if not over 20 years old. Medical bills from a broken ankle and a payday loan. I don't even know where to begin. The o...
I am really scared right now and I have asked my mom that I need to be placed back into school and to help enroll me. I was yelled at that “I don’t need to go to school” and she has never homeschoo...
My parents and I got into an argument the other day and they attempted to lock me out of the house when I decided to spend the night with my SO I ended up calling the cops and they essentially told...
Title. Neighbor was arrested and I can see her info on my county's Inmate Search through the sheriff's department. She's still currently in jail, so I know she's not home. Only thing is I constantl...
Currently renting a townhouse as a subletter with 3 college students close to age in me in a mid-sized city. They are all going to be gone over the summer, and they are all insisting that they shou...
Over the last 3 years, my dad has developed a substance abuse problem and has managed to lose everything in his life (except for our house). The mortgage is under both of our names, and we are behi...
US, Michigan. I got a phone call today from the local PD claiming I had stolen a wallet when I was at the store with my mother last week. They claimed we had "fanned out money" and that they wanted...
As short as possible, my girlfriend[18] and her friend[16] were backed into by their “senior assassin” target’s car while they were standing behind it joking about keeping him from leaving so they ...
I’ve been on a salary for the past 8 months at my job and it seems the company can no longer afford me as I was given notice that in two days I will no longer be receiving salary pay. I will only g...
I (40f) have been married twice, and I'm not sure what my legal name is supposed to be because of a woman at the Department of Driver Services. My first marriage ended in divorce, and I resumed my...
so my step dad recently passed away, which we kind of knew what was coming, but he told me that if anything ever happens to take the money out of his account and use it to get an apartment which is...
My father entered the country illegally about 30 years ago. He lives in Mississippi. He has 3 children (all legal citizens). Saturday he was drinking and driving about 3 hours away. Saw a road bloc...
I work at a restaurant in Indiana where everyone employed is paid over minimum wage. At the end of the night, the closers get to take home an equal share of cash tips. This is usually about $1 per ...