Louisiana State Police Refuse To Issue A Vin Number For My Boat Trailer

I picked up a small boat and trailer in Kentucky off of a man who could show he has owned the boat and the trailer for a few decades before selling them to me. The previous owner of the boat and trailer assembled the trailer from a Long Trailer Company kit that they bought over 30 years ago. Long Trailer Company has been out of business since around 2010-2015. Long Trailer Company used to sell trailer kits that they would mail to the buyer and the buyer would assemble. Kentucky does not require registration of private trailers like personal boat trailers. So the owner never kept track of the manufacturer documents that came with it.
I bought it as I had been looking for that boat in my price range and getting a trailer, boat, outboard, and all the other small stuff that came with it for less than $4000 was a pretty good deal. I just assumed that my state, Louisiana, had a process for registering personal trailers that come from states that do not require registration of personal trailers.
Unfortunately the state police officer that performed the trailer inspection refused to issue my trailer a vin number with just my bill of sale. They had become somewhat irate and unprofessional when I asked them how I could go about getting the necessary documentation to allow them to issue me a vin number.
A few months later I had gotten a writ of ownership/writ of possession from my local justice of the peace. I took that back to the state police troop where the same officer inspected my trailer. From the start they were irate with me, attempted to trip me up in my words as if to get some sort of confession out of me, repeatedly asked “why I wanted them to forge documents and say the trailer was a home build,” and took all around an antagonistic attitude towards me. The officer was also constantly claiming that my trailer was a factory made trailer and not a kit trailer. They made a copy of my drivers license and then told me not to come back. The whole time i maintained my stance that i purchased the trailer legally and am just wanting to register it to be in compliance with louisiana law.
I want to make sure this trailer is squared away so I don’t get any tickets. The trailer itself is in good condition and all electrical is working as well.
I’m considering going back a third time with a small/hidden body cam to record my interaction with the officer that handles the issuance of VINs to use as evidence of if I ever have to challenge a ticket given they refuse to issue me one. My local justice of the peace has also asked if I can follow up with them at some point. As this apparently isn’t the first time there has been an issue with that specific officer. Unfortunately I’m unable to do either for at least a few more months.
What are y’all’s thoughts? Is there another route I could possibly go to get the trailer issued a VIN?
This, falsifying a speeding ticket 3 years ago, and refusing to respond/investigate a man who was blinding people on the interstate with a rear mounted flood light and waiving around a firearm (who was also caught on video) 4 years ago has been a real eye opener to the quality of work they are capable of. They have left a bad impression with me on my parish’s state police troop and the quality of its personnel.
Also, the boat itself Has been registered at this point. Unfortunately it took going out of my way to go to the parish sheriff’s main office to get a tax document signed. As they can’t be bothered to sign off on it if you mail or email it in. Even though they say over the phone and on their website that they will sign and return documents sent to them that way. Wildlife and fisheries however did everything else through the mail without issue. Somehow it’s the agency I liked the least growing up that I find myself respecting more than the others.
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