I Know How To Deal With Bad Neighbors, But What Do You Do When The Bad Neighbor Is A Cop?

So here’s my deal and I’d appreciate any advice, I live next to a guy who is gods gift to stereotype. He tells his friends they should buy our house, he comes on our property without asking he has replaced a section of fence on his side between our two houses with a gate, well greased hinges and everything. Normally I could care less. I had a stroke, and found out I had cancer, the stroke and treatment of the cancer has left me unable to speak in a manner most could understand, tired but not able to sleep yada yada. This guy has his wife running around telling neighbors “they” are “investigating” which I’m not a hinder percent on since I haven’t heard it for myself, but multiple people…still if I am honest could care less. Now it has turned into more. I suspect he is coming on to my property as I have Hi Tech boot prints all over in my flowerbeds and I don’t wear them. It’s California there is one occupation maybe two that wears that type of of boot here and neither have asked to come over! At the end of the day I don’t have proof of any of this and he denie it of course but my neighbors have even started to tell me “he said he saw —— and how would he see that if he wasn’t on your property …” kind of thing. I am disabled I want to be left alone so I can die without the cop next door making my alreadyanxious existence more anxious, and I’m not trying to start ww3 with him and his posse. But I have had it up to here. Btw I tried cameras and somehow they were removed ???? any ideas would be great thanks In advance.
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