Former Shop Owner Won’t Return $2500 Chair.

I live in part of Florida affected by the two major hurricanes in two weeks in October. We’re still recovering, and will be for a long time.
I’ve been struggling to pay my shop rent and by the end of January I was $320 behind. He kicked me out of the shop on February 4th, I hadn’t made any money in February at all there.
He’s refusing to return my client chair, which will cost about $2500 to replace, they don’t really exist on the used market, I’ll have to buy it new again.
He wants me to pay for February $700, but I told him I don’t owe him that if he’s not going to use the facilities. I told him I’d pay him the remaining $320, but he’s insisting on $1020. I told him he can’t hold my property, and that I would simply report it stolen if he didn’t return it.
Are there any other options, my client chair is how I make money, what else can I do?
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