A Coach Threatened To Knock My Ass Out Repeatedly And Followed Me Around At My Daughter's Basketball Game

At a basketball gym. Asked Coach about daughter's playing time. Coach grew irate and threatened to "knock my ass out." I turned my back and walked away. Coach followed me around threatening to "kick my ass" a dozen times. He said it in front of my 7 and 10 year old daughters. I went to get my 13 year old daughter and he said it in front of her too and then added that "She sucks. She can't play here and can't make any club team." Coach was restrained by other coaches multiple times. All of this is on video but there is no audio. Other coaches likely wouldn't corroborate story.
Do I have any kind of case?
Unabridged version:
This happened Sunday evening.
After my daughter's basketball game I went up to the coach to discuss my daughter's playing time. Just one game ago he had called her the MVP in front of the team. This took place in a crowded basketball gym with cameras and people everywhere. I have videos of the action but not the words being exchanged.
I wrote up the following and sent it to the organization's management. The names have obviously been changed:
I approached him by asking him “Seven minutes, really?” The coach grew irate. He threatened me and said, “How dare you say that in front of my son? Let’s step outside. I’ll knock your ass out.”
I asked him, “You’re going to beat me up because I asked about Jane’s playing time?”
He said he was upset because I said it in front of his son and again threatened to “knock my ass out” and said “Jane doesn’t deserve to play a single minute.”
I asked him “Why’s that?”
He said “Because she doesn’t pivot and she travels.”
I told him, “That’s it? Every kid makes mistakes, why does Jane get singled out? You’re benching her and going to beat me up because of that?”
The cameras show us proceeding to walk out. Coach Joe can be seen repeatedly pointing his fingers and fist at me while I am constantly raising both my hands in question/disbelief. He kept repeating that he’s going to “knock my ass out” or “going to kick my ass.”
At one point I pointed to myself and said “so the solution is to beat me up?”
Once outside Coach Joe continues to threaten me. I told Coach Joe that Jane played less than half of the second game and less than seven minutes in the third game. Coach Joe replies that “Jane sucks. She can’t play here and she can’t make any club team.”
Coach Joe tried to approach me and another gentleman stepped in between and held Coach Joe back. Coach Joe was still irate and and kept repeating, “in front of my son, I’m going to kick your ass.”
The irony is he’s upset that I asked him about playing time in front of his son but he himself is threatening to “kick my ass” in front of his son. Should he really be upset with me compared to the example he is setting for his son?
The gentleman who had stepped in-between us asked me to walk away. I complied. I went back into the gym to get my daughters. The cameras show me walking back in and then Coach Joe following me, along with the gentleman. He keeps threatening to “kick my ass.” At this point I was ignoring him and not saying anything. Coach Jake can be seen trying to hold him back from following me.
The cameras show me walking to the bench where my two younger daughters are sitting. Coach Joe follows behind. As I pick up my things from the bench, Coach Joe catches up and repeats in front of my daughters that he’s “going to beat my ass.” He also stepped on my 7 year old daughter’s foot.
I do not reply and proceed to get my eldest daughter from the team huddle where Coach John is talking to the players. Coach Joe runs ahead yelling to the huddle. I tell Jane that it’s time to go. Coach Joe again repeats that he’s going to “beat my ass” and Jane hears it. Coach John and another player (Susan)’s Dad step in to again hold Coach Joe back. A referee comes later to help calm him down as well.
On our way out, Coach Jake stops me to understand what happened between us. I explained that Coach Joe is threatening to knock my ass out. Coach Jake tells me that Coach Joe was his coach and he can be like that.
Once Coach Joe sees me talking to Coach Jake, he again begins walking towards us threatening to “kick my ass” along with Coach John and Susan’s Dad. Coach Jake helps to escort us out of the front of the building, while Coach John and Susan’s Dad help Coach Joe out the side door.
Once out front, Coach Jake apologizes and says this is not what Sol stands for. He listens fully to what happened. Coach Joe has now walked back around in front of the building but is at a distance.
While I am talking to Coach Jake, Susan’s Dad comes up to us and says to me, “You better not be talking about my kid because I teach her to go hard every time.” I looked at him and asked, “Where did you get that from?” He says, “from Coach.” I told him, “I didn’t say anything about your kid.” He says, “Ok you better not” and walks away.
Coach Jake says he will escort us to our car because he doesn’t want Coach Joe following us. He escorts us to our car and we drive home.
My daughters were terrified to hear Coach Joe repeatedly threatening me and told me how scary that was. My daughter had no idea why she got so little playing time. Coach Joe did not communicate anything to her as to what she did wrong or as to why she would not be playing much. Jane’s whole experience with Coach Joe is traumatic and arguments could be made that the way he yells at Jane and the other players is abusive.
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