I live in an HOA that has recently fined me for a landscape violation. I am currently temporarily totally disabled (work injury) and provided documentation at my “hearing”. I also provided the cc&a...
Info: My partner of many years & I have decided to get married. We want to do it elope, out of state, & tell no one. Further down the line we’ll have a wedding with everyone but as for now,...
We’re in a very difficult situation and are hoping someone here can provide guidance. We don’t have the means to hire a lawyer, so I’m turning to this community for help. About two weeks ago, my so...
I say pretending because she said it was too dark for her to drive home even if she found her keys. I told her she can't stay with us as we really don't have the space, she should try looking for h...
I’m self-represented and my ex has attorney - he emptied all our joint bank accounts when he left so I’m in a pickle… but his lawyer is incredibly aggressive. In the last email, I told him I wouldn...
Shitty situation. Missouri. My now I guess ex GF has spent the last two years racking up significant debt due to gambling. I have tried and tried to help get past it, recently came to the realizati...
Hi everyone, I work in Colorado and need advice about my employer’s recent payroll practices, which feel concerning and deeply confusing... Instead of using the timesheet I complete after I’ve work...
There is a nice RV parked on our property. It’s a largely unused portion of our land but it is the only flat area in the neighborhood. I don’t generally mind when folks park there for a few hours o...
Without giving out too much information. I submitted paperwork to have my job be reclassified as I am doing more work that also required a license. After getting the license my manger sent me to an...
So, in a slightly large nutshell: I am 34, my half-sister is 54, and my half-brother is 56. Our father (85) and my mother, no blood relation to half-siblings (67) have discussed my inheritance with...
Hi all, My husband and I live in a huge apartment complex, with each tower having over 130 units. We have been dealing with a German roach issue on and off for 2 years. We have repeatedly contacted...
Hello. Yesterday I was at the university of Wyoming football game and I was spotted by some cops holding a weed pen. I tried to throw it away and play dumb but they did not appreciate it and eventu...
Hi all, My maternal grandfather has very recently passed. He had two daughters- my mother who has passed, and my aunt who has been managing his care. Due to the relationship between my uncle and my...
We live in Florida and our kids go to the local public high school. A month ago one of our kids brought home a fundraising calendar from a class at school and was told they would need to solicit do...
I live in Texas and I was pulled over yesterday because my license was expired. When the cop came to my window they said it smelled like marijuana and they detained me to search the car. They never...
I partnered with a Private Lender on multiple fix and flip projects over the past 5 years. Unfortunately, I had a major medical scare and was unable to work for about 12 months. My lender foreclose...
I was going by a pawn shop to get a new velt sander and I saw my old hi point carbine on the display, i knew it was mine because I had a custom stock on it and I also replaced the retention pins wi...
Back in July 2021 my Venmo account was hacked. I woke up one day to my bank account being overdrafted by almost $6600. Luckily, at the time I had a debit card specifically for weekend allowances, a...
I've had an ongoing issue with a newly built house for over a year. The builder has been stringing me along but never resolving it so I consulted with a local attorney. We had an initial meeting wi...
I live in an HOA neighborhood, I bought the house 20 years ago. There is an HOA owned park behind my house with play structures for children. A few neighbors want to have their unleashed dogs in th...
Looking to file in small claims to win judgment on unpaid promissory note. I know collecting is different thing all together but putting that aside for a moment: The promissory note is between me a...