Missed Eviction Trial Court Due To Mail Theft From Landlord

{US, Los Angeles, CA} So today I received a letter from court because I missed my trial for eviction court. I never received the notice of my trial date and, after looking through my email informed delivery notifications from USPS, I noticed that on Feb 3rd I should have received a letter from court but never received it.
It also just happened that on that day, Feb 3rd, I came home from work and noticed that my mailbox had a broken lock and had been broken into the crazy part is that only my mailbox no other tenats mailbox was broken into. I notified the landlord of the broken mailbox, and they came and fixed it the next day.
I'm pretty sure this man is trying to sabotage my trial in court with them and had something to do with it. I can bet my life that they stole the letter so that I would miss court.
My question is, can I notify the courts of this situation and be issued a new court date?
I also have picture proof of text messages and the informed delivery notification.
Please help with any advice. Thanks
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