Assaulted By A Coworker At Work. Employer Refusing To Discipline. What Can I Do?

Looking for some thoughts and maybe even some advice if there is anyone with some legal expertise on this topic...
Been at my company since 2017. I've had quite a few run in's with the same employee, who seems to have a problem with everybody. He's been harassing and attempting to intimidate myself and many others for years, and even named me as a suspect in a scandal that he created, all in an attempt to take me down. He does this to everybody but 90% of the time it's against me, and he seems to have it out for me for whatever reason... Whatever...
The most recent incident was when he approached me, unprovoked, lifted my chin up with his hand, and struck me in the genitals with a stainless steel yeti mug. Hit me so hard it took me down on one knee. I reported the incident to HR and internal affairs. Witnesses from that day also went on record to say that they saw it, and this incident is also on video with those 2 witnesses standing right there as it happened. Since my report, 3 other employees (that I know of) have come forward with their own complaints about unwanted touching/hitting by this employee.
HR is ignoring every email I've sent asking for an update on my complaint. 5 emails so far since my complaint in Oct 2024. I was told by my union representative that this coworker made a phone call to our state capital to speak with the senior advisor to our governor, and she apparently directed orders for my employer to stand down and not discipline him.
Do I have any legal leg to stand on here? Sexual harassment? Hostile environment? Most attorneys tell me I have at the very least a sexual harassment case since he hit me in the genitals, and the touching of my coworkers was also in sensitive places as well. However, they all talk a big game up front, and then a week later tell me they will not take the case. Looking for any advice here.
I'm in New Jersey for reference on legal terms.
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