Will I Be Charged For Harboring A Fugitive If I Call The Police To Have Them Arrested Location: Nc

To make a long story short when I was 17 I got my now wife pregnant (we are 19 now) my dad offered to rent a house and let us move in so we could have space for us and the baby. My dad had a felony meth charge about 10 years ago and was on probation then in 2019 he beat my mom and the police came, he ran and it broke his probation and he’s been absconding ever since. I had no knowledge of his warrants or active charges against him until this morning when my wife was suspicious of him because of how he’s been acting the entire time we’ve lived with him. He manipulated me all my life and I believed any word he said over anyone. I didn’t think he beat my mom because he said he didn’t, and he was gone for two years before popping back up in my life in December of 2021 so I assumed maybe he had been arrested for it if it was true. My wife held her tongue the entire time we’ve lived here until we went on truthfinder and searched for his criminal record and saw the active case. He has been aggressive towards me and my wife and child and I fear for our safety. I want to call the police tonight but am afraid I’ll be charged for harboring a fugitive. He pays rent and always has but me and my wife have a non notorized lease with the landlord because we needed Medicaid for our daughter. We are afraid and don’t know what to do. We need him gone but I don’t want to leave my family behind for years and lose my rights. If I didn’t know and I call the police on him, will I be charged for harboring a fugitive? Location: North Carolina
Edit: he has an arrest warrant not a search warrant. Edit again: he has a handgun and I have a rifle and pistol under lock and key in my safe, I have nothing to do with his handgun.
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