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I Am Being Falsely Accused Of Bullying And I Do Not Know What To Do.

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Location: Texas

I don't know how to start this, so I am just going to jump into it. I, a 16-year-old female, attend my local high school. I am a straight-A student who is very involved with the school. This girl had been using derogatory language with her boyfriend towards me and others, and when I confronted her via text, she told the school I was bullying her. When I was first pulled into the assistant principal's office, she said it was a mutual argument and to not expect anything of it. The very next day she called me in and gave me 4 days of in-school suspension. She had printed out screenshots that were real but cropped in a way where it looked like she had not insulted me in any way. She also claimed I had told the girl to commit suicide, and when I asked to see where I said that, she said she forgot to print it out. When my mom got the call, she had talked my suspension down to 2 days. When my teachers heard about this, they were shocked, and 3 of them attempted to talk to her to see if they could also lessen my suspension. Today, I served my first day of ISS, and she called me into her office to give me a contract to sign with my parents saying I admit fault and I will not speak, talk about, or be in the presence of the other student. She also gets upset that my parents, teachers, and students had asked her about the situation because they found it unbelievable. Please help; I have done a couple of hours of research on Texas laws, and they have no right to suspend me, nor can they make me sign the contract.

submitted by /u/Foamy_Bacon07
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