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Threatening Neighbor

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Last night I had a less than friendly encounter with someone in my neighborhood a couple houses down from us. My wife was driving home and currently due to construction/one way streets there is only one one lane alley to access the street our house is on. She calls me saying there is a car blocking the road so I walk down the street to see what’s up.

There is a car running sitting in front of the stop sign with no one around. She says there was a man out back with a dog. I walk up the front steps and knock on the door and ring the doorbell twice each to no answer. The screen door is shut but the main door is wide open. I can see a tv is on but can’t hear any sound. I walk down the alley to see if anyone is back there but he must have gone inside. I go back to the front ring the bell again and this time knock more loudly.

Immediately a man throws open the door screaming at me and gets in my face. His wife is holding him back telling him to stop. I back up quickly while he is verbally threatening to harm me saying i scared his kids. I say i knocked several times and no one answered, is that your car? The wife says her daughter just came inside and didn’t know she couldn’t park there. She goes and moves the car, i walk by my wife’s car as she parks by our house. The whole time they are screaming at us and I tell my wife to call the police. They say they have me on camera trespassing and say go ahead call the police.

We are sitting on our porch across the street 2 houses down. The police come and we have a nice chat with them and they go talk to the neighbor. At this point we had gone inside very shaken up.

  1. Is it really illegal to knock on someone’s door too loudly?
  2. Is there anything I should do to protect myself, this man physically and verbally threatened me many times?
submitted by /u/bubby4256
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