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Friend Found Out Partner Has A Domestic Battery Charge. Is There A Way To Find More Information? [indiana]

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Sorry if this isn't the right subreddit, but I couldn't think of one that would be more fitting or have the people who would be able to answer this.

So my friend found out that their partner has a domestic battery charge from a previous relationship. Indiana MyCase just shows the bare bones legal process. One of the initial charges was dropped. He states the battery charge was for shoving her when she was hitting and grabbing him. He got the charge because he had her phone and wouldn't give it back (they had an open phone policy type of thing), so he got charged because he had her property.

My friend thought about contacting a police department to see if they're allowed to provide or have more info, like why the first charge was dropped and the reasoning for the battery charge. Is that something that can be done? Or should they contact the prosecutor's office? Or is there no way to find out more about it? Does his side sound like something that could actually happen?

submitted by /u/-jellyfishparty-
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