Targeted By Customer Then Fired From My Job

Throwaway, obviously. I'm in the US. I just got fired for what my company claims is due to "violating the code of conduct" and "sharing confidential information." I feel that I have enough claims to file suit if I chose to (I do not want to -- I want to be free of this situation I was forced into), but I am also experiencing anxiety about the customer and/or their employer and/or my former employer suing me.
I had a customer come into my work a few weeks ago, and she became aggressively angry after I didn't give her something for free, and then had to deny her our service at that particular time due to my company's own policies (she was late). I don't necessarily agree with the policies, but I had to uphold them to properly do my job. This woman then targeted me, berated me about religion, recorded me on her phone, took photos of me, and refused to leave. I had to call the cops on her after being harassed and screamed at for 20 minutes. I told her and the police that I felt threatened. She then doxxed me in our Google reviews by posting my name, full face photo, and workplace and posted an altered version of events to make me look bad. I have a history of being stalked, so this increased my fears for my personal safety.
My company did nothing to help me. The owner of my franchise submitted one report to Google to have it taken down, but that's it. It was never removed, and is still up today. The company itself did absolutely nothing to protect me or help me, and of course they didn't ban her.
I spent that entire week becoming increasingly anxious and stressed over my safety. I had to leave a shift early and lose hours from work that I desperately need because I could not stop crying due to an anxiety attack. I was sent home for a "mental health day" with no pay, of course. Our owner then finally called the customer to ask to have my info removed. The customer agreed, but it still had not been removed hours later; so I contacted one of her employers -- a hospital-- and had to leave a voicemail since they had just closed for the day. Later that night, she finally took my photo down, but kept the targeted review up and unedited to still include my name. The customer had screamed at me during her tantrum that she was a doctor, and her review stated both her name and where she was from, so I was able to find her (very public) LinkedIn and reported her to her state's medical board and her listed employers. Please note that I reported her using the name she presents on her LinkedIn -- not the nickname she presented at my job.
One of her employers just completely ghosted me after I showed them the doxxing, and the other -- the hospital -- returned my call and treated me terribly on the phone, nor would let me get a word in because I was not a patient of theirs and even hung up on me. I then wrote a review of the hospital expressing my frustration with how I was treated and with their lack of help in getting my info removed; I mentioned the doctor who is harassing me in the review and how she was harassing me and targeted me over religion. The same person who hung up on me then called me back very quickly and gave me the number to their compliance department. I gave the full story to compliance verbally. The hospital then responded to my review and said to email them with more details, so I did. They never got back with me. A few days later, the same person who I had spoken to twice with called to argue with me about my review, which mentioned her speaking over me and hanging up on me. She then -- you guessed it -- refused to let me speak and hung up on me again.
A few days later, I was pulled into my office by my manager who stated that the hospital was now "going after corporate" and claiming that I am retaliating against them. She told me I wasn't in trouble and that she had my back because she knows I was just doing my job, but to send her screenshots and she'll talk to the owner and regional manager. The next day, our regional manager came in, and she and our Assistant Manager took me to the office to fire me for "violating the code of conduct in [my] first 90 days and breaching company confidentiality." They are claiming this is a "personal" issue between me and the customer, and that I "put both the company and [my]self at risk." I defended myself to them and said that I got her info to report her from her LinkedIn and that I used a completely different name than what we have in our system; additionally, how on earth would I have known she's a doctor if she hadn't screamed it at me to try and belittle me? I was told "we can't prove that." This woman was literally recording me to send to corporate, so if she did send them that video then they absolutely do have proof. Neither of them seemed angry with me -- they seemed very tentative, maybe even a little sad and shameful...? I was furious but kept calm.
I ended up deleting my review later that day, while the customer's stays live with my info still attached, to try to salvage some peace from this situation and move on. Once I heard back from her state's medical board the day after being fired, I even asked them to withdraw the complaint for the same reason -- and they did. I feel like I've been stripped of everything because a doctor wanted something for free and for upholding my company's strict policies.
So now I'm out of a job and get to live in a constant state of grief, anxiety, and fear that I will be sued by any of these people for simply trying to get my info removed. Does anyone have some insight or thoughts about this? I'm just devastated.
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