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Recently Divorced After 9 Years. As Per The Divorce Agreement I Paid Out My Wife For Her Portion Of The Marital Home. Now Months Later After It’s Been Finalized She Is Saying She Is Unable To Buy A New Home Due To Her Name Being Still On This House? So Co

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Hey all, to give a quick background. I (31M) and my ex (30F) were married for 9 years, two children and filed for divorce back in late 2022 which was eventually finalized in January of 2024. Part of the divorce agreement was I was to pay her a lump sum of money so I could keep the marital home

Now months later she is blowing up my phone stating she is unable to buy a new place due to the fact that she is “still on the title” of the current house. For the record she’s been living in an apartment for over a year and I didn’t think there would of been any issues but now she’s saying this is my problem and for me to take care of it.

My previous attorney has been pretty much not responding ever since the case was closed and signed off by the judge, and in my ex’s mind, even though I paid her that amount per the divorce agreement she still believes she “owns” the house and has tried to get in while I am away.

Can anyone give me any sort of insight on this? Who’s responsibility it is and how to even check if it’s true that she’s still on the title after months since the divorce as finalized and the amount has been paid? I’m stressing out about this and don’t want any more legal issues going forward. TIA

submitted by /u/BigMontana42069
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