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Sister's Ex Won't Give Back Her Nintendo Switch That Was A Gift From Me

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My sister and her ex broke up and he is not being the nicest. He's kept a lot of her belongings claiming she "owes him money" and these things are because of that. She asked him for the details on what she owes him but he wont elaborate or give her anything in writing.

While I would like to work on getting all of her stuff back, my main focus is her Nintendo Switch. I gave this to her as a gift a couple years ago and it is very special to me that she has it since I love gaming and Animal Crossing is the one game we can play together.


  1. I cannot find my purchase receipt of the Switch. It was a few years ago and I bought it in person. EDIT: I likely will be able to find the charge to my bank account since I know the timeframe, but it will not indicate that it was a Switch.
  2. I have the shipping confirmation of when I mailed it to her, but it does not indicate what is inside of the box. It is mailed to her address at the time with her name as the recipient.
  3. I have purchase receipts of Nintendo Switch accessories that I sent to her from Amason, but not the Switch itself.
  4. I have a Nintendo Switch Gift card receipt I sent her for buying Animal Crossing.
  5. As minor as it may be, I have screenshots on Animal Crossing of her and I playing together.
  6. They have never lived together so any items I mailed to her would be in her name and an address she lived at - not him.
  7. I believe I can get info on when she created her Nintendo Account which will coincide when I got her the Switch. I have to confirm this one though.
  8. I am in Texas. When I sent her the Switch she lived in Denver, Colorado. She now lives in Fort Worth, Texas and so does her ex.

She wants to have an officer go with her to claim her things, but we need some sort of indication that it is her property. If it comes to it, I will sue in small claims after gathering all info on her things at his place. But again, I care about the switch the most. This post is NOT asking for small claims court advice though.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do prior to bringing this to small claims?

EDIT: I will help my sister sue in small claims. I will not be suing. Thank you to u/C1awed for making sure I add this.

submitted by /u/CrazyAuntErisMorn
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