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Our Maid Accidentally Revealed To Us That Her Son Might Be Given A Warrant Of Arrest This Month. What Should We Do As Home Owners?

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Warning: Long Post

TL DR: Our maid literally had his son stay with us without prior notice. She did not mention that his son is currently a suspect in a murder (shooting incident) and accidently slipped that he might have a warrant handed to him any time this month. We are worried about the legal concequences of having him under our roof. We fear that we might be deemed as cooperators to a suspect.

Context: Our maid did not ask our permission to have his son stay within our home nor she did not specify the reason why. She told us that her son will be staying with us until today. However, she asked me if he could be given an extended stay. I started getting suspicious and had to investigate (which I should have done since day 1) She accidentally told me about a shooting incident that happened couple of months ago and that her son "was just a passer-by" when the crime ocurred. Witnesses have pointed out a description of the suspect that fits his son's appearance which I think is enough probable cause to have him become a part of the investigation.

As of now, we as homeowners are worried that letting the son stay with us could be counted as cuddling a person of interest (worst, a criminal) and that could become a pretext of future legal issues in our part.

Aside from letting him and our maid know that he must not stay in our home, what can we do as homeowners to prevent any legal implications concerning this case? Or, are we just overly reacting, legally speaking?

Thank you!

submitted by /u/Fantastic-Papaya5513
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