Landlord Almost Certainly Stole From Dead Friend Of Mine - Recourse?

So very long story short, my ex and I split up in Dec - I helped him pack and unpack his stuff in his new apt. And sadly he died (natural causes) in April. His 70 year old mother from KY had to come down and go through his stuff (I was unable to join her) and after swapping notes it's looking like a bunch of big ticket items were missing. His iPad and camera (which I bought him and have receipts for), a shag rug (she even saw evidence it was originally there cause of strands under the couch), two floor lamps delivered by amazon that would have gotten there after he passed, a mutual friend's handmade bowl, all his colognes, and of all fucking things my letterman jacket which he was holding on to. Probably a whole lot more than that, but since I wasn't there I couldn't properly take an inventory. She was going to give most of his stuff away anyway, but the ipad and camera she would have taken to give to family members. Also to retrieve photos and personal info to help close his accounts.
Is there any real recourse that we can take to punish the landlord for taking his shit? How on earth are we even supposed to prove this stuff was stolen when it absolutely was? They were the only one with a key and frankly he probably just thought nobody would notice these things were missing so who cares. But on principle this is so fucked up.
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