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My Wife’s New Car Had All Four Wheels Stolen While Parked In My Apartment Complex Parking Garage

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My parking garage in my apartment has garage doors that only open after you scan a fob, allowing access to the garage. A few weeks after moving in, I noticed that the doors were always open and there was complete access to anyone without scanning. After two weeks of the doors being open, I called the leasing office to inquire why the doors were broken and express my concern for my wife’s safety. I was assured the doors would be fixed (given no timeframe) and that was the end of the phone call. A week after this call, the garage doors were STILL not functioning. My wife brought home her brand new car at 11 PM and by 8 AM, the following day, all four tires were gone and the passenger side back window was smashed. The apartment complex has offered us 1 month of free parking ($35), but I feel as though they have more responsibility in this scenario. Are there any further actions I can take?

submitted by /u/michaelkeato
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