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Property Manager Isn’t Having Cars Towed (illinois)

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TLDR: Is there any way to force the management company into enforcing our parking placards and towing violators? I just want a place to park when it snows..

I live in an apartment which is granted 2 parking placards to park in our lot. I have one car, use the placard, but get home late and never find a spot. There are at least 5 cars that park without placards nightly. There is a sign posted that warns of towing unauthorized cars, as well as a flyer that was posted warning of enforcement a few weeks ago. There was no enforcement, I’ve seen the tow truck quickly loop the lot without checking placards, then leaving. Winter is soon arriving and I have no place to park other than a small patch of paint-striped lot (which is not always available) When winter arrives I would likely be towed if I were to park there.

submitted by /u/Artistic_Holiday7836
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