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My So (28f) Was Sexually Harassed At A Clinical Site And It Seems The School Has Retaliatory Intentions. Best Course Of Action?

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My SO is doing a healthcare program through a local college and while at one of the clinical sites one of the preceptors (which they claim to screen) made suggestive comments and invited her to go to a strip club with him. When she refused, he abandoned her for the rest of the day.

Two days later the department manager asked for a meeting with her after they heard about the incident, so she explained what happened. Apparently her classmate (also a woman) had issues with that same preceptor and had brought it up to the director.

Long story short, they assigned her and her classmate a different clinical site, but when doing so it was stated that the reason for reassignment was “attitude problems”. So there is now a stigma attached to her with her new clinical director who believes she was transferred because she has attitude problems/can’t get along with coworkers.

On top of this one of the instructors at the college made it a point to bring up her name when another student asked why they wouldn’t be going to that specific clinical site, stating it was her fault and you can blame her for that.

Aside from being wildly unprofessional/inappropriate, does this fall within the grounds of retaliatory actions/speech, and is there any legal recourse she could take that would not jeopardize the rest of her academic program?

Thanks so much for the help, I’ll be glad to answer any questions I can in more detail in the comments.

submitted by /u/philosofossil13
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