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Roommate Got A No Contact Order

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Hi all, my (21M) roommate (22M) got a no contact order signed by my commander stating I cannot be within a hundred feet of him. The First Sergeant did not have an answer when I asked him why there was a no contact order. Because of this, I cannot go to my apartment. I have two bunnies and need my garage to charge my car, while he does not have any explicit need to be in the apartment specifically. For the time being, I’m taking care of the buns by having my 1st Shirt drive me over and be present while I’m there. At this time I am staying in the dorms on base.

I spoke with the ADC and handed over information on his abuse of animals and of me to SF/OSI and my first sergeant. The ADC is hopeful that we can basically switch places (he goes to the dorms and I go back to my apartment), but it’s not a guarantee.

I am the primary leaseholder, but he is also on the lease. We have a 2 bedroom in Colorado Springs. Is there anything I can do?

submitted by /u/afchris03
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