My Mother Got A Throat Injury Through Intubation, Can We Sue?

My mother went through a routine colonoscopy a month ago where they used intubation to help her breathe during the procedure.
After the procedure she lost her voice for more than a week and had hoarseness for two more. We went through the surgical center, PCP, urgent care, and finally the ENT who finally referred us to a throat specialist. We then found out that the intubation process had left a long scar (about a third of the circumference of her voice box) and now she’s not even able to raise her voice too much for singing and similar activities. However, her day-to-day activities isn’t significantly impacted.
My mother and I are fairly passive about things so we don’t have much experience in this area and we wanted to know if this case is worth going through the legal process.
Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you!
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