My Gf's Dad Abuses His Daughter. He Is Getting A Restraining Order Against Me Because I Called Police For A Welfare Check.

My GF (21y/o) of a year lives 2 hours from me. She got into her dream nursing program in my city and her parents don't want her to go. I am 23 y/o. Her parents are super old-school traditionalists.
She's left the house twice in the past month to stay with me to get a job and save money, and her parents are against it, physically blocking her from leaving. She told me to call the police if she wasn't outside, and I did. The police had to escort her out.
Afterwards, her dad used a picture of my license plate to find my address and came banging on my door demanding her to go back with him, even though she's an adult and she decided to leave. He came uninvited yelling at the top of his lungs and banging on my door 3 separate times in the middle of the day while all my housemates were home. I've been spammed with multiple unknown caller ID phone calls, and he even messaged me on LinkedIn and threatened to defame me to my co-workers. My GF said he's unapologetic and doesn't regret it at all. He is a really emotional and hot-headed man-child.
They emotionally and verbally abused her to the point where she returned to them 3 weeks ago. Since then, they've taken her phone, iPad, and computer, only allowing her to use a laptop sparingly from which she can finisher her classes. Other than that, she has no communication with the outside world. Her dad said that she's grounded for the entire summer and that finish demands payback for what she did. They take away the laptop every night and shut off the wifi sporadically when they suspect she's texting me. They don't even let her go on walks alone during the day. She is confined to the house constantly.
Yesterday, she decided that she wanted to see me, and so I called her an Uber. Once again, her parents physically blocked her from exiting and shut off the wifi. Because of this, I was tremendously worried and so I dialed the police for a welfare check.
My GF contacted me today saying that because I called the police a second time, for a welfare check, her parents are filing a restraining order against me. She will testify against them when they do.
What should I do? Do I file one before he does? I'm also moving out of the state to the other side of the country before the end of June, it doesn't make sense to me at all why he needs to escalate this.
Here is a previous post I made on r/relationshipadvice for more context: Concerned BF (23M): GF's (21F) Parents Holding Her Hostage
Edit: I forgot to mention that he hacked into my GF's iCloud and read through all of the messages shared between us.
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