My Dad Passed Away In January. We Had Given Money To A Pooled Trust Company On Our Attorney’s Advice To Protect Some Of His Money. He Passed Away Before Medicaid Paid A Single Dollar. The Trust Company Keeps Giving Me Excuses. There Is No Trust And I Am T

I have been emailing back and forth with the point of contact from the trust company. I keep getting excuses that “it’s out of their control and it’s all up to Medicaid to send them a release letter before they can send me a physical check” our elder care attorney has already send the trust company a NOCA my dad had no trust or will and I was listed as sole beneficiary on the trust. Medicaid didn’t pay a single dollar because he died while we were trying to get approval. The trust is worth about $96,000. I’ve gotten excuse after excuse from this company and I’m to the point now where I’m ready to pursue litigation if it’s not resolved in the next week. Any info or advice would be much appreciated!
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