My Company Is Not Honoring The Salary.

I have read the rules but I apologize if this is not the appropriate sub to post this on. If there is a better sub to post, and you could kindly guide me, I'd appreciate it.
My current company is not honoring my new salary that they promised me. I was working at Company A and got paid "$1000" salary. I interviewed with a new company (Company B) that offered "$2000" salary.
I accepted, and gave my two-week notice to Company A. My boss at my current work offered to match the new pay of $2000. I wasn't quitting because of my boss nor the company itself, so I decided to stay. Especially since he said he was going to match my pay, in addition to a department change.
However, come payday, they have not given me a new paycheck with the salary increase. I've spoken to him about it, to which he says that he's going to give it "shortly." It's a start-up so the company isn't doing well, etc etc, is what he keeps saying.
I don't think he's trying to scam me or anything by not giving me my money. However, it's slowly getting irritating as it's been a few weeks. I got my paycheck but not the difference. He even gives regular paychecks late... (weeks late...)
I did not sign a formal contract that establishes a pay increase. I've never signed a contract as the industry that I work in doesn't really require much of it, and I've never had a problem before. Before you say anything, yes, I'm currently looking for another job. Yes, I've learned my lesson of never sticking in a company that I decided to leave. Yes, I will sign a contract in the future.
I just need legal advice on if I could do anything about this situation.
Thanks in advance.
TL;DR: Company isn't paying me annual salary difference. I got old paycheck amount. They said they will pay me but haven't for weeks. Did not sign a contract as these discussions were made verbally.
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