Just Came Home To A Note On The Door Of Our Apartment; “notice To Leave Premises Within 3 Days.”

Me and my girlfriend got an apartment last fall where we have been living. As the title says, I came home to an eviction notice to leave the premises within 3 days. Upon further inspection, the last 3 months rent were being held as “pending” and didn’t actually go through. It’s after hours so we haven’t been able to call the leasing office yet for more questions. We both scoured our emails to see if we missed any warnings but there was nothing. The bank, nor landlord/company we rent from sent anything regarding our missed payments. The only email they sent was yesterday, a day before evicting us.
Are they allowed to do this? It was my understanding that landlords need to give tenants a 30 day notice. Perhaps I’m missing some information or something. We could’ve cleared this up had they let us know after the first payment. Any advice is welcomed.
Edit: We live in Ohio.
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