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Boyfriend's Family Are Trying To Access A Computer Which Has My Personal Financial Information And Dirty Selfies On It - Any Way To Stop Them?

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I live in NYC. My boyfriend of 8 years died unexpectedly a month ago. We both had kids, so lived in separate apartments a few blocks apart. I'm not on his lease or any of his bills, and he didn't write a will. Because of this, everything goes to his kids (which I totally agree with), and their mom, his ex, is the administrator of his estate.

Since he died, his ex and his mother have changed the locks on his apartment and storage space. (Yes many of my things are still there.) They won't respond to my texts and calls.

I recently found through one of his friends that they asked him to try to get the password to my boyfriend's computer from me. I'm irate, but also concerned, because if they do figure out the password or take it to a data recovery place, they might be able to access my private information (I used that computer frequently for work, to pay bills, make medical appointments, etc.) And they will definitely be able to access 8 years of dirty pictures he and I sent each other or took together.

Is there any way to prevent them from accessing that information? I understand the computer itself is legally theirs, but do I have any right to protect my own data and images of me that are on it?

Thanks so much!

submitted by /u/CherryBeanCherry
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