It All Started With A One-star Review Of An Attorney...

Hey, Reddit fam, strap in for a rollercoaster of a story because I've got a tale that'll make your head spin.
So, picture this: I called an immigration attorney in Florida, hoping to get some assistance with a green card situation for my family member. I figured since this was an attorney, and their time is valuable, I have to get to the point with my problem and question. Before I can even finish my situation, this attorney interrupts me with a booming "Who are you?" Talk about catching me off guard!
After stammering out that I'm the daughter-in-law of the person in need, she launches into a tirade, scolding me for daring to call her and demanding to know what my question is. I barely manage to get a word in before she interrupts me again, scolding me some more about calling her. I guess she assumes that I know that I need to schedule a consultation, even though her website says, "Call for your free initial consultation". Feeling completely belittled and upset, I thanked her for her time, apologized for any inconvenience caused, and hung up mid-conversation.
She decided to text me after I hung up, sort of scolding me some more, but halfway apologizing if there was any inconvenience caused. She said that if I want to speak to her I need to schedule and pay for an initial consult and she only picks and chooses what cases she wants to work on so more than likely she may not be able to help me. I texted her back telling her to have a great rest of her day.
Now, here's where things take a turn. I'm still hurt from the interaction, so I hop online and leave a one-star review detailing my experience and how I felt things should have gone. I wrote that I work in customer service, and if someone approached me that way I would have let them vent, then told them the procedures accordingly in a humble manner.
This review was a BIG mistake.
The next day, I woke up to a barrage of texts from the attorney, demanding that I take down my review. When I politely refused and told her this was solely based on my experience and how I was hurt after our interaction, she threatened to take legal action against me if I didn't remove the review. But wait, it gets even crazier.
Ignoring her threats, I go about my day, only to discover that she's responded to my review not once, but four times, each time changing her story. One was attacking me, the next one saying I was poor and wanted free legal help (not the case), and the last one was with instructions for future clients on how to approach her firm.
As if that's not enough, she started stalking me on LinkedIn, leaving me creepy messages about wanting to work with my services (I have a side marketing business) and then would leave a nasty message if I didn't respond quickly enough. She did this twice.
But here's where she crosses the line. She goes onto my job's page and leaves not one, but two one-star reviews about me on their page, using my government name and job position. My job is the kind of place where we use fake names to protect ourselves because this world is crazy, so she's essentially putting my identity out there for anyone to see.
Last but not least, she started sending me text messages gloating about what she'd done and sending me messages with all the messages she wrote, saying she wouldn't stop there. She also said that she would write a formal letter to my company.
If you're still with me on this ride, is there anything I can do? I sort of want to leave another review from my other Google account on her page sort of posting all the things (I have pictures of EVERYTHING) she has done to make my day hell, but I'm not sure if that's crossing the legal line and giving her ammo. Help!
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