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Is This A Good Case To Sue The Church?

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TW: SA BACKSTORY: My partner attended a church for more than 12 years of her life, most of which she was under 18. A new pastor took over when she was 13-15 & their family came with them. Their son who was 19-21 was also part of that. When she was 17 their son (23) assaulted her in the church basement while they were getting things for a play. She told her cousin (M16) and he advised her to tell the parents (pastors) so she did just that. She went to their house and told them what he had done, she even told the youth pastors too, on a separate occasion. They said they didn’t think their son would do something like that, but they’d talk to him. After that he continued to do things to her since no one took her seriously. (2016) Fast forward to spring of 2023, the pastors son/ assaulter was outed online for having an affair with a man at work. They immediately assumed it was my partner retaliating against them for preaching homophobic things during church. It wasn’t, but it was deleted soon after. His sister (the assaulter, James) said that he’s not stable and has guns and our address so she should get some kind of restraining/ protection order, so she did. When she went in they told her that they thought she had a good case against him and that they wanted to take it over, so they did. 2024, just a month ago, he was charged for Child Endangerment. The initial charges were for Rape and Gross Sexual Imposition, but they refused to settle for a sex charge. No one wanted to go to trial since it was so hard to tell where a jury would stand. With a victim or with a church. He’s currently in a prison alternative corrections center. POSSIBLE CASE: In all of this, the father/ pastor of the church, denied all of this and said that none of this was ever brought to his attention, since he’s a mandated reporter. In this case, his son said in his statement (they still live together) that his dad DID speak to him on this matter. So during this entire case he was trying to paint it as them having a relationship and James just went too far. They kept their son on their worship team, around children and alone with them. And when my partner called the people above the pastor so speak on the matter and him being held responsible for his part in all of this, they basically told her to get over it since she stopped attending the church that it has nothing to do with her now. Offered to pray with her and then offered to find another church within their system. So the question in all of this is whether or not it’s a good case to sue the church? Since in his son’s statement he confirms his dad did know and did nothing about it, and because it happened in the church. Not to mention even the higher ups had no cares

submitted by /u/Own_Lie1466
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