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I Am At A Loss As To What I Can Do About My Neighbor

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A little backstory first. I moved into my apartment in 2017. Its just me, my two daughters (12 and 4 months). My newborns dad stays with us most days and especially Moreso since this has started happening with my neighbor.

So neighbor lives directly across the hall from me. Moved in a little over 2 years ago. Hes in his late 50s/early 60s, roughly 300 lbs, and lives by himself. He is bipolar (hes told me this) and I believe definately other mental conditions going on. We got along just fine for a long time, cordial, always say hi, etc. Somewhere around last summer however, I started finding his TIDY WHITIES (WITH POOP STAINS) IN WITH MY LAUNDRY when i would be folding my clothes. We all share a laundry room between 8 apartments. The first time I was like hmm well he was probably confused or something, he's slow, ill give him a pass, so I just put them on the counter in the laundry room. Then the next week I was doing laundry SAME THING AGAIN!!! I was BESIDE myself because he's DEFINATELY messing with mine and my daughters' laundry now-- its no mistake. So I alerted the apartment manager about this and also the previous time. I knocked on his door and told him to never touch my laundry again, EVER.

Well, since then, he has gotten increasingly more erratic. He will knock on the door and run back into his apartment, he will knock on the wall of my apartment via the hallway or laundry room which I share a wall with. He will open and slam the washing machine and dryer doors for hours on end. He will stand RIGHT outside of my door facing it, in the hallway. December of last year, he was caught peeking into my backdoor (we both live on the ground floor) and windows at my older daughter while she was home alone. I called the cops and they warned him to leave us alone and don't come near us. He will listen for a short period of time and go right back to harassing us. Yesterday was really the final straw. My daughter was home alone because she had a half day of school he started peeking through the peephole into my apartment saying "anyone home? hellooo anyone in there". I again called the cops and my apartment manager.

Again this morning he took his apartment issued smoke detector and proceeded to smash it on the ground of the laundry room and stomp on it till it was in a million pieces. After the last incident in December, I decided I had to get some security cameras. So pretty much everything I've explained I have video proof of.

He will follow my company to their cars, stand in front of them on the sidewalk, cross his arms and just stand there till they drive away. Pace the hallway for days not hours on end, days. I go on my back porch, he goes on his and just talks to me, talks to himself, talks to who the hell knows who. Hès been kicked out of other subsidized housing before so he obviously has a track record. What can I do?! Im losing my mind. I cant work a full day without being bothered by some chaos he's creating. My apartment manager has given him almost 5 lease violations so far and she is very empathetic of what I'm going through. I need help or I feel like something really really bad is going to happen to him or me and my daughters. I have nightmares about this guy breaking into my apartment.

Do I have enough grounds for an Ex parte PPO? Any other options?

I know many of you are going to say I need to move, and believe me, I wish I could. Dealing with this with 2 little girls one being a newborn I feel like I cant even protect them. I am wrecked. Please help

PS were in Michigan.

submitted by /u/boshibec
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